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Elite Dreams Foundation Scholarship Fund


The Elite Dreams Foundation through its scholarship fund is the platform we use to provide awards to our students in the name of our scholarship partners. Our goal is to support students facing challenges as many are working (sometimes multiple jobs) while being committed to maintaining their overall grade point average. These students are prime targets for early withdrawal. We strive to provide financial supports that cover basics such as meals, books, supplies, phone bills, emergency transportation expenses and other exigencies of everyday life. These little expenses can sometimes create barriers so large that some students find themselves unable to stay motivated, committed and engaged in their studies. This scholarship fund will make a big difference in both large and small ways that can mean the difference between a student staying in school or out searching for more work just to keep going. This creates a downward spiral in grades, morale and life trajectory. Small dollars do make a big difference. The scholarship recipients of our programs exemplify standards of excellence as demonstrated by their desire and commitment to b-great!.



Elite Dreams Foundation Entrepreneurship Program


Our unique entrepreneurship program has benefited many Elite Sports Atlanta professional athletes who are successful players on both domestic and international teams. Our program combines a synergistic blend of language arts with math components. Students learn important soft skills that teach them how to dress and conduct themselves successfully based upon the context; job interviewing do’s and don’ts; public speaking basics; and, foundations of financial literacy covering investment basics, money management, banking, budgeting. We have partnered with several local and regional service providers with track records of providing high impact programming and projects relevant for the complex and unpredictable situations youth and young adults can expect to be exposed to. Entrepreneurship fosters the skills to hone and fine tune of team building, critical thinking skills, establishing shared goals and commitments and creative ideation and networking. Youth who participate in our programs and projects exemplify these traits and explore and develop new ones along their journey to b-great!.


Elite Dreams Foundation Dreams Summit


The Elite Dreams Summit is a fun youth-led forum which fuses performing arts with peer mentoring and coaching. While it is structured, led and directed by Elite Dreams staff, participants set the pace and content that drives the activity. Elite Dreams Summit is one of our most highly requested and well attended programs. Youth are craving opportunities to have their voices heard in safe and open spaces, to get their questions answered by leaders they trust and respect and blocks of comradery to share ideas and visions for their futures with each other.

Our speaker series is housed in this element of our programming as well allows participants from all program to hear and interact with our guest speakers. This highly interactive environment serves a duel purpose in that it places our partners in front of the youth who will utilize their services and products while simultaneously serving as an example of how to speak in a public setting. The synergistic openings during these interactions cannot be overemphasized. It is a strong platform that demonstrates in very real ways the importance of goal
setting and the results of following through on commitments and strategically and thoughtfully seizing opportunities as they arise.

The most exciting element of the Dreams Summit for both youth and our community is the opportunity to watch youth perform their talents. These performances range from spoken word to singing, to rapping and dance. All youth are given an opportunity to perform provided they meet the rules and guidelines of the program. We do not limit their talents and are open to new and innovative ideas for youth to share and express themselves as individuals and as groups to b-great!.




Elite Dreams Foundation, Inc. (EDF) is dedicated to using sports and performing arts as a pathway to impact the opportunities and life trajectory experience of the youth, families and communities we work and serve in. EDF offers solid, enriching and engaging opportunities to youth coupled with long-term life skills. Our programmatic focus is determined by the youth and communities we work and serve in, while maintaining our core principles of “each one, teach one.” We use a compelling combination of skills, talents, resources and professional expertise to continuously build upon a dynamic array of targeted programs aimed at addressing youth and young adults. We invite you to lock arms with us as we invest in community transformation which makes possible for our youth and community members a broad spectrum of possibilities. We welcome your partnership in our community activation platform that is not only committed to youth development and excellence but also invests in them. Your support helps to instill within our youth knowledge that they are not only champions on the court and field but also champions in life. Know that the dollars and contributions you make to our programs are tax deductible—allowing you the benefit of using your tax dollars towards issues you care about while reaping substantial benefits on the back end. We appreciate your partnership with us.


Elite Dreams Foundation Entrepreneurship Program

One of the primary concerns for the Elite Dreams Foundation is combating the cumulative effects of the “Wicked Problems” we face as a society which create barriers to access and success for primary and secondary education in large segments of the population. Challenge areas range from economic, to educational, to health and social well-being. Our program participants experience various iterations and combinations of these daily. While there are several pathways for youth with the right supports in place to get into college, many are often left behind due to a lack of resources, direction and or support systems that address their everyday life challenges. Primary school-aged youth have even further ranging implications. The activities and habits formed during this period impact their future trajectories and inform opportunities for advancement and success. For these reasons and more, the Elite Dreams Foundation Entrepreneurship foundation exists to provide as many resources, direction and support systems as possible to help lessen the number of youths who through no fault of their own fall victim to the challenges of everyday life. We use a three-pronged development process designed to address these challenges embodied within our b-Great! campaign.

The Elite Dreams Foundation b-Great! Campaign is committed to supporting youth with needs. We invite you to join us in making change happen at the grassroots level. Please review our three-pronged platform and get involved. We look forward to celebrating the success of our youth with you.


Antonio Lenard

Founder and CEO

Elite Dreams Foundation





152 Longview Rd, Fayetteville, GA, 30214 |
Founder and CEO: Antonio Lenard | (678) 266-7778 |
Director: Willie M. Bolden | (404) 671-5714 |

The Elite Dreams Entrepreneurship Program is designed as a workshop comprising multiple elements with the goal to lead and expose youth to success using sports, entertainment and academics as our platform for ages 8 and up! Our program teaches youth entrepreneurship with lessons in speaking, appropriate dress and conduct for the various contexts they are in (soft skills) and also gives them exposure to careers they may not know about with the educational requirements needed to attain them. Our scholarship segment undergirds all of this with secondary education opportunities via support with scholarship search and applications, campus tours and service opportunities. Our Dreams Summit opens the floor for youth to share, express what’s on their minds, perform and build community in a safe, non-judgmental holistic space. Our speakers’ series comprises a unique blend of professionals in the worlds of sports, education, entertainment and other professions who are equally committed to helping guide, mentor and encourage youth towards success and the realization of their dreams.















If you would like to be a donor, please click on the donor form below, fill it out and return it to 


At Elite Dreams Foundation we believe in expanding opportunities and broadening horizons for youth in all communities. Our strategy is rooted in this philosophy and our programs exemplify inspiration, guidance, and a diffusion of fun wrapped up in Responsibility, Respect and the Realization of Dreams!

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